
Health Hacks

A new app, a new subscription, a new book, a new diet. Nothing of this is going to make you healthy. There are no health hacks. Ultimately, it is only about you. You have to take full responsibility for yourself. And you have to act!

The good thing is, you don’t need a degree to become healthy. The basic rules are simple:

  • Eat fruits & vegetables, avoid processed food at all cost.
  • Move your body every day: push-ups, pull-ups, squats, burpees, hill sprinting, stretching.
  • To calm down, meditate, breathe, take a cold shower, and sleep enough.

If you follow those ridiculously simple rules, you will be healthier than most of your peers.


Work and Work-Out in the Early Morning

There are three options on the table for every person who wakes up and wants to enjoy a healthy and productive day. An important decision you should make is when and how you work out.


The Benefits of Cold Showers

I love hot showers. But I learned that cold showers can have their advantages too. If you are like me and you grew up with warm and hot showers – it is pretty hard to switch to cold showers. But why should you?


Why It is necessary to stick to one Sleeping Rhythm

Recent weeks have been a struggle for my sleeping rhythm. Not that long ago I was of the opinion that you have to sleep less to get more done. While I was simply very dissatisfied with my results I listened to a sleep researcher who gave a TED talk. I simply tried to sleep 7,5 to 8 hours each night.