
  • Industries to be Disrupted by Blockchain

    Blockchain is the underlying technology of Bitcoin. The introduction of Bitcoin and thus the birth of the blockchain radiated joy and excitement all over the financial industry. This excitement is not only limited to the financial sector. While Bitcoin is an electronic payment system and meanwhile also electronic investment assets there are other blockchain applications and use cases which are likely to disrupt several industries within the next years.

  • Augmented Reality is still a Pre-Birth Technology

    Before you ask yourself what exactly augmented reality is here are a few examples of products that are based on augmented reality technology: Pokemon Go, Google Glasses,
    Microsoft Hololens, the IKEA app, Snapchat and MSQRD masks have all implemented augmented reality or AR technology.

  • The common saying is that Bitcoin is an anonymous cryptocurrency. Some may think that it is even as anonymous as real cash. There are many articles and even self-appointed experts saying that Bitcoin is “anonymous”. I think that most people come to this conclusion because Bitcoin is indeed used in black markets. Bitcoin is used to sell and buy drugs, weapons, and even contract killings in the darknet. Yes, this is definitely not the brightest side of Bitcoin. Unfortunately, complete anonymity is with the current use case of Bitcoin not possible.

  • Are you using the services of Gmail, PayPal, iCloud, Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Skype? Are you actively using online banking? Then you have the chance to activate a security layer called two-factor authentication on top of your password to make your account more secure. Indeed most banks are using two-factor authentication by default for many years. If you want to authorize a transaction your bank will most likely send you an SMS containing a short PIN. This SMS-PIN is necessary to make any transactions in your account.

  • Read an updated and more detailed version of this article here.

    You believe that you don’t have any use for the term “cryptocurrency”? Well, you probably have. Bitcoin is currently the largest cryptocurrency when it comes to market capitalization and popularity. Now you might say: Yeah, Bitcoin is the thing you use for buying drugs and weapons on the internet. But Bitcoin is much more than an anonymous way to pay digitally. You can see Bitcoin more as a technology which might substantially impact our future – in a pretty positive way.

  • Waiting at the Check-Out? That’s all past now.

    Amazon just introduced Amazon Go – a concept store in Seattle where Amazon employees (and soon customers) can buy groceries and snacks in a local store without the need to pay at a checkout desk. You simply walk into the store with your smartphone and your Amazon app and all items are added to your virtual cart automatically. As soon as you leave the store your Amazon account will be charged.

  • Touch Bar & Touch Screen, that’s it?

    The last two days were not that spectacular as I hoped they would be. Apple and Microsoft both introduced new hardware. Microsoft did a smart move by placing its product announcement exactly one day before Apple’s one.

  • Google has just introduced its new fact-checking feature which lets you check yourself if a news story is true or not – starting in the United States and the United Kingdom.

  • goo-gle | verb

    If you are reading this it is very likely that you are using Google as your main search engine. You don’t know the time zone of Indonesia? Google became literally a verb which describes searching something on the internet. Google is even in the official dictionary of Merriam-Webster:

  • Google released a few new products in the recent weeks: Google Duo, Google Allo, and Google Pixel, Google Home.
