
Blockchain will disrupt Uber and other Industries

Industries to be Disrupted by Blockchain

Blockchain is the underlying technology of Bitcoin. The introduction of Bitcoin and thus the birth of the blockchain radiated joy and excitement all over the financial industry. This excitement is not only limited to the financial sector. While Bitcoin is an electronic payment system and meanwhile also electronic investment assets there are other blockchain applications and use cases which are likely to disrupt several industries within the next years.


Pomodoro: Get More Done in Less Time

Get More Done in Less Time

Do you know this feeling when you are about to go to bed when you suddenly realize that you didn’t get anything done today? If you know this moment when the day is over and you know exactly that you could have achieved much more with your time then please continue reading. I found two amazing techniques: Setting priorities and the Pomodoro technique which will help you work more efficiently and get more of the important tasks done.


7 Days of Vlogging

What I learned from 7 days of vlogging

During the last 7 days, I did not only publish a blog post every day, I also started to upload a short video to YouTube every day. I wanted a small social-media challenge in 2017: Challenge accepted.


Augmented Reality: a Pre-Birth Technology

Augmented Reality is still a Pre-Birth Technology

Before you ask yourself what exactly augmented reality is here are a few examples of products that are based on augmented reality technology: Pokemon Go, Google Glasses,
Microsoft Hololens, the IKEA app, Snapchat and MSQRD masks have all implemented augmented reality or AR technology.


My Sleep Pattern shifted 5 hours

My sleep pattern shifted 5 hours while being in the same time zone. Around a year ago I woke up at 5 AM every morning. It was my habit. Yesterday, I was going to bed at 3:30 AM. Today I woke up at 10 AM. I did it both. Here is my personal position on going to bed early versus late.


Bitcoin is not as Anonymous as you Might Think

The common saying is that Bitcoin is an anonymous cryptocurrency. Some may think that it is even as anonymous as real cash. There are many articles and even self-appointed experts saying that Bitcoin is “anonymous”. I think that most people come to this conclusion because Bitcoin is indeed used in black markets. Bitcoin is used to sell and buy drugs, weapons, and even contract killings in the darknet. Yes, this is definitely not the brightest side of Bitcoin. Unfortunately, complete anonymity is with the current use case of Bitcoin not possible.


Marketing becomes Publishing – Create Content

Marketing from the 70’s is Dead

If you switch on your television, open a traditional newspaper, buy a magazine, go to the cinema, or if you listen to the radio you are still forced to consume the old fashioned advertising from a few decades ago. But let’s be honest. Who is not skipping those ads? Marketing from the 70’s and 80’s is dead.


Do this and you will have a more productive morning

Do you want to be more productive in the morning? Are you always late in the morning? No matter how early you get up you never have enough time? Do you want to be productive before you finished your first coffee?

Turn off your phone.


5 Books You Must Read To Get Started in Entrepreneurship

TOP 5 Books for you to Start into 2017

During the last year, I have been asked several times which book I may recommend for anyone interested in business, entrepreneurship, and investing. I created a list for your new year’s resolution which will give you a kick start and a mentality shift for the new year. These books are perfect for people who are annoyed of going to a boring job from 9 to 5 and for everyone who wants to achieve financial freedom and a real purpose in life.


The Problem with Two-Factor Authentication via SMS

Are you using the services of Gmail, PayPal, iCloud, Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Skype? Are you actively using online banking? Then you have the chance to activate a security layer called two-factor authentication on top of your password to make your account more secure. Indeed most banks are using two-factor authentication by default for many years. If you want to authorize a transaction your bank will most likely send you an SMS containing a short PIN. This SMS-PIN is necessary to make any transactions in your account.